I have been offering remote alchemical healing sessions during the covid-19 pandemic to help guide clients through this difficult life transition. These sessions allow me to continue to do work with my clients remotely and allow them the insight and tools they need to begin to self-heal from home. We explore many facets of their lives and I am teaching people that there are many different ways to move energy and support your mental/emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
During our session together any of the following is possible:
- Ask me any questions and have space to talk about the current issues you are facing in the moment. I call them “edges”- places of potential growth and ease within us
- Checking in with the body and getting a felt sense for what your heart, soul, and body needs at this time
- Talking about physical concerns and gaining feedback and lifestyle recommendations for issues such as women’s health, hormone regulation, pregnancy, and postpartum support, digestive concerns, immune support, stress management, etc.
- Helping you gather clarity, self-awareness, and support around a situation that may be keeping you stressed, anxious, depressed or un-grounded
- Highlighting the places within you that we can work on for your continued personal growth, transformation, and confidence development
- Wellness coaching, tips, tools, and lifestyle recommendations to support you at this time- such as herbs and supplements, essential oils, diet changes, acupuncture points, qi-going practices, crystals, moxa, etc.
- A space for Self-care and aid in discovering ways to take care of yourself during this time
- Learning to look at this time of pandemic, social isolation, and “new temporary reality” as an opportunity for a new possibility to arise
- A space for continued mindfulness- breathing, Chinese medicine philosophy teaching, imagery, dreamwork, and visualizations
These sessions are currently available virtually or over the telephone. I recommend setting aside a quiet space for yourself to enjoy our session together and please have a journal available to take notes during our session for your future reference. ?